Saturday, May 13, 2006

Cost Management Group-Governance in Government

Management Accountant-an accountant of the future for Governance-Both Corporate world and the Government.

•Recognition of Cost of Governance.
•Segregation of Planning and Cost management.
•Importance of Cost to Govern citizens
•CBA in Government.
•Cost based governance.

•Cost-Benefit analysis should form the basis of Government decisions primarily and not emotional factors though cost can be overrun with valid reasons to be recorded in writing.

•Cost of running Government Machinery.(Executive/Legislature and Judiciary-Tapering right down to Panchayat)
•Cost of social schemes Vis-Vis Benefits that accrue.
•Revenue Accretion Tax and Non-Tax and related cost involved.

•Cost of national Development expenditure.
•Cost of Defence.
•Cost of policies that are legislated.(Impact cost for the economy.
•Relative cost of international policy impact.
•Direct and indirect cost of Governance
•Right to govern is not absolute in democracy.It is related with many factors prime among them is cost.
•Cost of governance is passed on to citizens.
•Responsibility to avoid Wastes.

•Planning exercise should be segregated from cost visualisation.
•Focus on cost management through budgeting and varience analyses.
•Planning Failures to be analysed on time and cost overruns.
•Non-Starters to be critically reviewed to segregate plan mismatch with cost

•Every thing is @ a cost ignoring cost means Neglecting economic progress.

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